To contact us please call - Office 01245 222392 Mobile 07971 409977 This area is by kind permission of the Essex Registrars Service.

With over 4500 couples tying the knot in civil wedding ceremonies last year Essex is the second most popular place in the UK to take the plunge. To help couples plan their big day we have produced a new brochure entitled ' Celebrate in Essex - Your Wedding.
The guide provides useful information on planning a wedding such as how to personalise your wedding, popular readings at weddings and getting married in a church or other religious buildings. It also gives details and contact numbers of 106 licensed venues where civil wedding ceremonies can be held. The brochure has details of marriage facilities within the eight register offices in Essex. Brochures relating to civil partnerships and commitment ceremonies, 'renewal of marriage vows ceremonies' and 'civil naming ceremonies' are also available.
Copies of the brochures can be obtained from any Register Office in Essex, tourist information centres or by telephoning 0845 603 7632. We are also pleased to announce that all guides are also now available in alternative formats i.e. Braille, Large Print, Audio Tape and CD. Copies available from Register Offices.
The news section of this website is produced by the Essex County Council Media and Marketing Team, tel 01245 434 979.
There's a lot of things to think about on your big day, so we hope you'll find our brief guide useful. Remember, the staff of the Essex Registration Service are here to help, so give them a call to discuss your plans.
Choosing a venue
You may wish to marry in the district where you and your partner live, but you don't have to. Essex Register Offices have eight locations with something for everyone.
Advance bookings
You can make a provisional booking for your Essex Register Office wedding up to twelve months in advance. Just call or write to the office of your choice, and give as much notice as possible to avoid disappointment.
Giving notice of marriage
Each person wanting to marry has to give their own notice of intention to marry to the Superintendent Registrar in the district in which they reside. Both parties must have resided in a district in England or Wales for at least 7 whole days immediately prior to giving a Notice of Marriage.
This notice will then be displayed on the public notice board for 15 days, after which, provided all documentation has been received and cleared, a certificate for marriage to proceed may be issued.
If you live in a different district to where the marriage will take place, you will need to apply for and obtain the authority for your marriage to take place. This authority must be delivered to the Minister of the church or Superintendent Registrar of the district where you are to marry.
You will still be able to marry in any register office or approved premise in England or Wales irrespective of where you live, and your notice can still be taken up to one year in advance of the date of your wedding. With effect from 5th December 2005 the fee for each notice of marriage is £40.00.
Essential documents
When you give notice of marriage, you and your partner need to give proof of identity. You may also be asked to provide proof of address. Passports or other proof of identity are acceptable. Additional documents will be required if either partner is under 18 or has been divorced or widowed.
Personalising your wedding
The ceremony can be simple or formal and can be tailored to your individual wishes.
The bride and groom may choose to be interviewed separately, allowing the bride to enter the room escorted by a friend or relative.
Flowers are provided in the room, but you may make your own floral arrangements. You can choose your own music which can be played as background while guests arrive, and at the end of the ceremony. You can also incorporate your choice of reading, which can be given by the Registrar or a guest. Each office has a selection of popular readings or you can bring your own. Please discuss your choice of reading or music, and any other special requirements with the Superintendent Registrar in advance of the ceremony.
It is important to remember that a marriage in a Register Office or Approved Premises exists for Civil weddings only and does not include any type of religious ceremony.
Advice from Essex Registration Service
The staff of the Essex Registration Service pride themselves on making each wedding a unique experience to treasure. Give them a call and talk about the ceremony, your music and flowers, the photography. Or go and see for yourself. You'll find the staff friendly and approachable and they'll do their best to make your wedding day relaxed and enjoyable for everyone.
If you would like more information on the Essex Registration Service or a copy of our guide `Getting Married in Essex', please contact Roger Robbins on 01245 430267. This brochure is also available in alternative formats i.e. Braille, Large Print, Audio Tape and CD. Copies available from Register Offices.
You and your guests should aim to arrive a minimum of ten minutes before the time of your marriage. This allows time for you and your partner to be interviewed and for your guests to be seated. On arrival, you will be greeted by the Registrar who will interview the bride and groom privately to confirm details and take fees for the ceremony and certificate.
The amount of parking varies at each location, although most locations have nearby public parking as well.
You need to provide two people to act as witnesses for your wedding and sign the register afterwards. The witnesses can be friends or family who must be able to speak and understand English.
The ceremony
The ceremony will begin with a short introduction by the Superintendent Registrar. The bride and groom will then be asked, in turn, to repeat a number of solemn declarations. If you would like to make additional vows and commitments to each other beyond the legally required ones, we will be happy to discuss this with you. The Superintendent Registrar will then state that the parties have made the declarations required by law and are now husband and wife together. The formal signing of the register will then take place, concluding the civil ceremony.
All marriage rooms are decorated with silk and dried flower arrangements. You may, however, wish to make your own floral arrangements. Please discuss any special requirements with the Superintendent Registrar in advance of the ceremony.
All of the marriage rooms have CD players with a selection of suitable music. If you have a favourite or meaningful piece of music you would like to include, please discuss your choice with the Superintendent Registrar in advance of the ceremony.
A wedding album is a very special memento. A video camera may be used during the ceremony with the approval of the Superintendent Registrar. Although flash photography is not permitted during the actual ceremony, there will be time for photographs in the marriage room after the ceremony.
Confetti is a familiar part of any wedding, but please ask your guests not to throw confetti inside the building.
Attendance fees for marriage ceremonies at approved premises are normally payable to the Superintendent Registrar in advance of the wedding. Fees for register office marriages are payable on the day of the ceremony to the Registrar.
Contact the register office for current fee rates.
In this section, you will find details of the legal requirements relating to marriage in a Register Office. Specific requirements may apply to your personal circumstances.
Notice of marriage
Before you can marry in a register office, approved premises, church or chapel in England or Wales (other than a Church of England where you may have banns called), you must give notice of your intention to marry.
From January 1st 2001 each person wanting to marry has to give their own notice of intention to marry to the Superintendent Registrar in the district in which they reside. Both parties must have resided in a district in England or Wales for at least 7 whole days immediately prior to giving a Notice of Marriage.
This notice will then be displayed on the public notice board for 15 days, after which, provided all documentation has been received and cleared, an authority for your marriage to proceed will be issued.
If you live in a different district to where the marriage will take place, you will need to apply for and obtain the authority for your marriage to take place. This authority must be delivered to the Minister of the church or Superintendent Registrar of the district where you are to marry.
You will still be able to marry in any register office or approved premises in England or Wales irrespective of where you live, and your notice can still be taken up to one year in advance of the date of your wedding. A fee of £30.00 is currently charged for each notice given.
Proof of identity
When you give notice of your marriage, you need to give proof of your identity and the identity of the person you are marrying.
Passports are an ideal way of proving your identity. If you have never held a passport or your passport is not available for some reason, we will accept other proof of your identity and our staff will be happy to discuss this with you.
Documents for divorced or widowed partners
If either of you has been married before, either in this country or abroad, you will need to show proof of your divorce.
If either of you was divorced in England or Wales, we will need to see a court stamped copy of the decree absolute (the final divorce paper).
If the divorce took place in a foreign country, we will need to see the original document issued by that country and an English translation, if the document is in a foreign language. If no documents were issued in the foreign country, we will tell you what we can accept as proof of the divorce.
If either of you is a widow or widower, we will need to see a certified copy of your partner's death registration and in certain cases a copy of the marriage certificate as well.
Proof of prior marriage in a foreign country
If you have married each other in a foreign country, you only need to get married here if you think the marriage was not legal. If you decide to get married here, we will need to see any documents issued by that country when you give us notice of your marriage.
Parental permission for partners under 18
If either of you is under 18, we will need to see proof that your parents or guardian agree to the marriage.
If your parents are divorced, we may also need to see the court order that gives custody to one of them. The Superintendent Registrar will give you advice on this matter
Since April 1995, civil marriages can take place in other buildings, which have been approved by local authorities as suitable venues.
Types of premises
These include stately homes, hotels and civic buildings. Marriages are not allowed to take place outdoors, or in temporary or moveable structures.
If you would like an up-to-date list of approved premises, please contact your local Register Office or Essex County Council, County Hall, Chelmsford, Telephone (01245) 430267. You may also view a list below, organised by district or view the pdf on the right of this page.
Making arrangements
To arrange a wedding at approved premises, you must first contact the venue to make provisional arrangements and then you must contact the Register Office of the district in which the premises are located to ensure the Registration Officers can attend your wedding on the date and time of your choice. There is an additional fee for getting married at approved premises.
Notice of marriage
You will have to give Notice of Marriage in the district or districts where you live and you will have to give your Marriage Authority or Authorities to the Superintendent Registrar in the district where you are getting married.
Table of Fees (effective for the period: 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008)
Marriage by Superintendent Registrar's Certificate
Fee for entering a notice of marriage £30.00 (Each party must give notice in their district of residence. A fee of £30 is payable for each notice)
Attendance Fees
Fee payable to a Superintendent Registrar before whom a civil marriage is to be solemnised in approved premises (for his/her attendance and that of a Registrar of Marriages)
- Monday to Friday £260.00
- Saturday £300.00
- Sunday, Bank or Public Holiday £340.00
For a certified copy of the entry in the marriage register issued at the time of registration £3.50
Approved venues in England and Wales
A full list of approved venues throughout England and Wales is available from the Office for National Statistics. Please write to the following address, enclosing a cheque or postal order for £10.00 made payable to ‘ONS’ :-
ONS, Local Services, PO BOX 56, Southport, PR8 2GL
Credit/debit card orders can be made by telephoning 0151 471 4817
ONS is part of National Statistics. The names and contact details of Approved Premises throughout England and Wales, listed by registration district are available on the National Statistics website
To contact us please call - Office 01245 222392 Mobile 07971 409977 |