All toastmasters with pictures shown in the first six rows below, are full members of The English Toastmasters Association. Each member has £5,000,000.00 Public Liability Insurance which has been purchased for them by the English Toastmasters Association, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THOSE LIVING OUTSIDE THE UK.
We would be pleased to have the policy available for inspection at our headquarters in Essex at an agreed time by any client or perspective client. Our toastmasters also have their own copies for inspection.
Wedding Toastmasters for Hire
Each one of our Toastmasters is trained to a very high standard and will also have been trained to have a duty of care for their clients. They are all able to undertake weddings of any cultures, but some have particular specialisms in certain areas of work.
Masonic Toastmaster for your Ladies Festival
Many of our toastmasters are pleased to undertake work at Masonic Ladies Festivals. If you have any specific needs or require a toastmaster with specific skills, please call any toastmaster or our head office for further help or information.
World Wide Coverage
Some of our toastmasters will travel anywhere in the world, you may also be assured of an excellent personal service from our members in the country where they are resident.
Corporate Toastmaster
If you are looking to hire a toastmaster or Master of Ceremonies for corporate work, please browse through our members' details and contact any of our them directly.
Please click on a toastmaster's picture or name to read more, ordered
alphabetically by surnames.
We are pleased to say thank you to our Honorary Fellows and Life Fellow of the English Toastmasters Association for their ongoing support and kindness to our Association.
Honorary Fellow Members Our honorary fellow members are people that have helped our Association in various ways.
Some have helped with our research and training and all are committed to the long term aims of our Association. We are fortunate that we have such fellows as members to help in our quest for excellence in our profession.
Honorary Life Fellow Members Our honorary Life Fellow members are people that have helped our Association by going out of their way to improve the professionalism of our members in various ways before, whilst or after being a member of our Association.
Chris Woods
Hon. L.F.E.T.A.

Chris Woods
Suffolk |
Patrick Stevenson


Charles L. Joseph

Life and Retired Members
John Parker - Middlesex
Although John is no longer a practicing toastmaster he would be pleased to attend meetings and functions where a speaker is required to give a presentation about toastmastering. John is an all round wedding professional who has been in entertainment as a singer for over 30 years. |

John Churches - Essex |
Alain Heaysman - Essex
John Turner Yorkshire
Paul Watling
I am writing to tell you that following my recent retirement and house move, and various changes in our family life generally, including my return to painting & art, I have decided to cease my toastmaster activities.
It has been a great experience and I have been delighted with the feedback from clients over the past two & half years, so there is a tinge of sadness about my decision. But my life has changed now and due to my long standing love of art and painting, I want to concentrate on getting back to my 'roots' and start exhibiting again. I have a lovely new studio, and now wish to utilise any time I have (other than usual family activities, diy, gardening, etc) for painting.
So I would be grateful if you would just let the other guys in Hampshire/Dorset know the situation, as I know we have been talking about setting up a 'regional' meeting shortly.
I want to thank you & Linda for my excellent training, the meetings we shared, and your encouragement throughout. I enjoyed the experience very much indeed.
Thank you for all your support and my best wishes to you both. Paul Watling
To contact The English Toastmasters Association please call - Office 01245 222392 Mobile 07971 409977

Vincent Borromeo - Milan, Italy
Unfortunately due to a car accident Vincent was unable to work as a Toastmaster for a while, but is now back and fully recovered.
We are now in regular conversation and Vincent is in England for a while as of 7th March 2018.
He is working as a toastmaster and his phone details are on his page.